These scrumptious Blueberry Cream Cheese bars bring out the best that the pair has to offer in an easy to make recipe that is simply gorgeous. I love to...
What a great, easy recipe - only four ingredients! You can quickly throw together when you you have drop in company and need a dessert. Loved the crunchiness...
This cherry crisp is perfect for dessert, but it also makes a mighty fine breakfast! I haven't tried it this way yet, but I can imagine it'd be excellent...
This cake is more like a Whipped Cream Cake. It is light, fluffy and oh so good. This is my Great Grandmother's recipe. My mother made this every Christmas...
Ultra-decadent, ultra-sweet, ultra-delightful Huguenot Torte The Lee Bros. Charleston Kitchen tastes like a giant, sticky apple blondie. Easy to make,...
This is such a flavorful bread..My family cannot get enough of it. It has the taste of a brown sugar and pumpkin -even though neither of these ingredients...
I miss Shoney's. They still have them in my hometown, but not where I currently live. One of their signature desserts is Strawberry Pie, using whole strawberries...
I first made this cake many years ago for a party I was invited too. With the incredible banana taste and delicious homemade banana frosting it was a huge...
These treats are delicious! You can't tell they were made from biscuit dough. We felt like we were eating a fancy pastry. The fruit filling and the glaze...
For this recipe use the basic dessert crepe. This is a layered crepe dessert served with almond custard sauce on top.Makes a great presentation. Great...
I recently made a Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner and this was the dessert I made to go with it. I wanted it to be a bit different from my traditional Apple...
My mom loved to bake, the problem was my 4 brothers that ate everything as soon as it came out of the oven. My sister and I were lucky enough to at least...
A co-worker made this baked apple pudding for desert at work, when I tried it I thought it was good, but lacking something. I got the recipe from her to...
I took a couple of old recipes I found, combined and tweeked them and came up with this. Hope you enjoy! **Prep time includes chill time.** Note: Photo...
This recipe was rescued and given a new name. I have changed a few of the ingredients, all in all this is a wonderful recipe. My family was surprised it...
This recipe is very popular in my neck of the woods. If you go to pot lucks, chances are you have had this before. The pineapple is very complimentary...
These little gems don't get passed from house to house, neighbor to neighbor nor holiday to holiday year after year! They get eaten as fast as you can...
Years ago after my Grandma passed I found her recipe book with hundreds of old recipe news paper clipping Dated back from 1966 ! This recipe was one of...
Since the salted caramel craze has come out I have really loved it. Today I was dipping strawberries in chocolate and I just happen to have some Caramell...
My Aunt makes this delicious dessert all of the time with the peaches she cans every's one of my all time favorites...I add a few extras to...
This is so good- you have to try it for yourself! It's an angel food cake filled with jello, almond, maraschino cherries, marshmallows, pineapple and macaroon...
One of my favorite hobbies is collecting vintage cookbooks and this was a delicious recipe that that was tucked inside. If you have an abundance of rhubarb,...
In 2009, I was at my Aunt Mary's house on vacation. Her daughter's birthday is July 4th, and this is her favorite cake. It sure was a beautiful and yummy...
Yumaroo, this is a very moist blueberry cake. There's a slight crunch on the top and the vanilla butter sauce is wonderful. Not only will we use the sauce...
Years ago, when attending a bridal shower for a friend, the hostess-Frances Renfro had prepared a wonderful salad luncheon, along with a variety of home-baked...
My daughter Noel created this dessert for our family.... and it is wonderful! Different bursts of flavor in every bite! My grandchildren just love this...
Got this recipe from my cousin, Carol Siverling, in's so simple and inexpensive and yet so good!! You could have this ready in no time at all!...
This recipe was given to my mother by an old family friend when I was a young girl. I don't like traditional fruit cake very much, but this one is a great...
I've heard that this is a Weight Watchers recipe, but I don't know if that's true. However, WW or not, this is extremely simple and amazingly delicious....
This a very old recipe, I remember eating when I was a young child at my Aunt Hattie's famous pantry cookie jar. Everything always tasted so good from...
This is one of many of this type of recipe, most are with pineapple..and oh so delicious..I just wanted to show you that you can use any chopped up canned...
I got this out of a gourmet dessert cookbook years ago and have been making it ever since. It's a lovely dessert whether it's served in individual wine...
I was in the baking aisle one day and saw a can of NO SUGAR ADDED cherry pie filling. I was elated. I took it home and come up with this cheesecake recipe....
What makes this cake so "wacky"? You mix it right in the pan, no need to get a bowl dirty. Also, there are no eggs in this cake. Wacky right!? I found...